With the digital currency hitting a record high of over $4,000 per ether this month (May 2021), Invezz.com utilised the online analytics tool Ahrefs to establish which countries in the world are most interested in ether. The research found that the United States is in the number one spot with a substantial average of 1,116,000 online searches a month for ether. That is the equivalent of 36,000 online searches per day! In second place is Germany, as there is an average of 736,300 online searches every month from Germans regarding ether.

Ranked: The Countries in the World Most Interested in Ether

Turkey is in third position with an average 408,500 online searches a month from Turks curious about ether. Brazil (259,600), France (247,100), and Canada (203,000) are among the other countries where there are more than 200,000 searches a month from their respective citizens monitoring ether online, respectively ranking fourth, fifth and seventh. The UK ranks sixth, with an average of 230,000 online searches each month from Brits checking the latest developments surrounding ether. When it comes to the price of ether, there is an average of 366,800 online searches a month from Brits specifically checking the price of ether. At the other end in 20th position is Austria, where there are an average of 37,700 online searches per month from Austrians interested in ether – comparable to 1,216 online searches a day. Invezz.com’s Jayson Derrick shared his insights with Finbold.com: Mr. Derrick also underlined that by 2030 the world of finance would likely not resemble what it looks like today, “which is apparent to anyone paying even minimal attention.” The extent that ethereum will play in terms of financial transactions and smart contracts “will be exponentially higher over the coming years.” [binance]