Indeed, the leading countries in metaverse adoption have recorded high scores in elements such as fixed broadband speeds, internet prices, the number of blockchain financial startups, and the cost of high technology exports, a study by Uswitch shared with Finbold indicates.  Notably, the Netherlands ranks as the most metaverse-ready country globally, with an overall ‘metaverse readiness score’ of 7.74 out of 10. Switzerland ranks second with a score of 7.61, followed by Lithuania at 7.39, while Malta ranks fourth at 7.31, and France fifth at 6.96 respectively.  Elsewhere, the United Kingdom is the seventh metaverse-ready country with a score of 6.77, while the United States lies in the twelfth spot at 6.32. 

Breakdown of metaverse-ready metrics

Based on the individual grading metrics, the United States has the highest internet speeds at 167.37Mbps. The study indicated that the U.S. is the most connected country regarding broadband.  At the same time, Romania accounted for the cheapest internet costing $9 per month, while Cyprus has the leading number of blockchain startups. The researchers tied the lack of cryptocurrency regulation to Cyrus’ high number of blockchain-related firms.  Furthermore, with 34,082 Google searches per million people, Cyprus also accounted for most metaverse-related searches.  Finally, the Republic of Ireland has the most high-tech exports at $8,450 per capita. In this line, the country hosts some leading tech companies, including metaverse-focused Meta (NASDAQ: FB).

Metaverse risks 

Although the researchers acknowledged that the metaverse is still in its infancy stage, the technology comes with select risks that should be mitigated in advance.  For instance, Uswitch stated that the metaverse could be exploited as a get-rich scheme alongside questions on how it should be moderated. Despite most countries getting ready for the metaverse, leading global brands are also filing related trademarks in readiness for the sector’s maturity.