At times, you receive messages from people, you read them, and you immediately regret reading those messages. To twist the knife in the wound, a ‘Seen’ notification would appear below the message to indicate it has been read. Have you ever felt the need to reverse time and unread the messages? Or you simply don’t want to read the messages at that time and read them later? In this article, we will tell you how to unread messages on Instagram.

Can You Unread Messages on Instagram?

Instagram offers two major types of accounts to share content – Personal and Professional accounts. The Professional account is further grouped into the Creator and Business accounts. On the personal account, which is the account that is created for personal use, you cannot directly unread messages. Instagram hasn’t made a direct feature for that yet. However, on the professional account, you can unread messages. Instagram recently created a feature that allows you to directly unread messages on your professional account.

How To Unread Messages on Your Professional Instagram Account

As mentioned earlier, the professional account on Instagram is grouped into the creator account and business account. On your business account, there are two tabs: The Primary tab and the General tab. The primary tab contains those that are of topmost priority to you, friends, family, and business partners. The General tab, as the name suggests, is for everyone. Messages that you receive from both tabs can be unread using the same approach. You can unread messages on your Instagram professional account this way: All you need to do is leave your messages Unread on your Instagram business or creator account.

How To Leave Messages Unread on Your Personal Instagram Account

As mentioned earlier, Instagram has not provided a feature to directly unread messages in your inbox. There’s an alternative you can try. Restricting a user would make their messages marked as a request, and when you read them, they will not be marked as read. Here’s how to restrict a user on Instagram: There you have it. The user you have restricted would no longer see if you’ve read their message or not. This process can also be undone.


This piece helps answer one of the most asked questions about Instagram – How to Unread messages on Instagram. You can make this directly on your Professional account, and there’s an alternative solution on your Personal account. Have fun Instagramming!

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