If you don’t know how you can achieve that, don’t worry, as this guide will explain it. Some Telegram users have had challenges transferring ownership rights of groups. This guide has explained how users can transfer Telegram group ownership when using their mobile phones or computers.

Why Can’t I Transfer Telegram Group Ownership?

Before you attempt to transfer group ownership of a Telegram group or channel, you must ensure you have enabled two-factor authentication. When you have enabled the feature, the transfer process becomes quick. However, if you have not enabled two-factor authentication, you must wait for seven days to enable the feature then you can proceed with the process of transferring ownership. Moreover, you must have used Telegram for more than twenty-four hours. Therefore, if you have not enabled two-factor authentication, please follow the steps below to do that before starting the group ownership transfer process.

How To Transfer Telegram Group Ownership

You can use your computer or mobile phone when you are ready to transfer the group responsibilities to another person. Once you change the group ownership, the next admin will manage the members.

Transfer Telegram Group Ownership on Mobile App

Android and iPhone users can use their phones to access the Telegram app and change group ownership, as indicated in this section. When you finish the steps above, you will notice the group owner has changed to the new admin you added. Therefore, the new owner can do various management roles like adding new members, changing the group name, and more.

Transfer Telegram Group Ownership on Desktop Computer

If you are accessing Telegram through a computer, the following steps will enable you to transfer ownership of a group. When transferring ownership of a Telegram group, the person must be an admin. Telegram allows you to promote a person to an admin level; once you do so, you can make them the owners.


Transferring Telegram group ownership was difficult in the past because you had to transfer your number to another person. But now, you can easily transfer group ownership by enabling two-factor authentication. If you have tried to transfer ownership of a Telegram group without success, read this guide to discover how you can achieve that on a computer and mobile app.

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