If you use an older Instagram version, keep reading. But if your Instagram version is up-to-date, this article can’t help you because Instagram has removed this feature. In this article, we’ll go over how you can update your messaging settings and how to reply to an Instagram DM on IOS and Android.

Updating Your Messaging Settings for the Swap Feature

Your messaging settings should be updated before using the swipe feature on Android or iOS. Updating this is easy with the touch of a few icons on the app. Below are the steps to follow in updating Instagram’s messaging settings. Once this is done, you’ll be able to swipe on messages to reply in Instagram DMs.

How To Reply on Instagram DM on iOS Devices

Instagram is well-optimized for iPhones but not as well for iPads. Downloading Instagram on your iPads means you’ll have to go through setting it up properly before you can have a seamless experience. Now, on your iOS devices, you can use two methods to reply to a direct message.

Method #1: Holding and Swiping

This method is efficient when you want to get direct to replying to a message, and these are the steps involved. The message you replied to will appear above your reply when you do this.

Method #2: Holding and Selecting

This second method gives you more options than replying to the message at a go. The steps involved are listed below. The other options in this method include “report” and “more” at the bottom bar. Above the message, you’ll see emojis flowing with which you can react to that message.

How To Reply to DMs on Instagram on an Android Device

The process of replying to an Instagram direct message on an Android device is similar to an iOS device; you can reply via two methods.

Method #1: Holding and Swiping

Like in an iOS device, this method lets you directly reply to a message without extra options. These are the steps involved. You’ll see the message you replied to atop your reply.

Method #2: Holding and Selecting

This method gives you more options to interact with the message you want to reply to. Here, you can react to a message using any available emojis, report a message and explore other settings. However, to just reply, these are the steps involved. With these steps on any Android and iOS device, you’ve successfully replied to an Instagram direct message on a mobile device.


Officially Instagram has removed that reply feature, and it’s not available anymore. This feature might be available with older versions, but unfortunately, we can’t promise you that. If you had an older version and the article did help you, then you probably agree that replying to an Instagram DM is relatively easy when you get the hang of it. With the methods listed above, you’re set to reply to all your DMs quickly until a new update changes the established ways.

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