President Faustin Archange Touadera signed a bill into law that makes Bitcoin legal tender alongside the CFA franc and legalized the usage of cryptocurrencies, according to his chief of staff, Obed Namsio in a statement, according to a tweet by AFP on April 27. The official press release was later shared by Oliver Koblížek. It’s worth mentioning that Finbold reported on April 25 that the Central African Republic passed a bill regulating cryptocurrencies but had yet to adopt Bitcoin.

The second country in the world to do adopt BTC

Notably, on September 7, El Salvador became the world’s first country to accept bitcoin.  Citizens of the Central American nation were permitted to use the digital currency, as well as the US dollar, which has served as the country’s official currency for more than two decades, to pay for any item or service via the use of the ‘Chivo’ wallet application.  The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expressed strong opposition to the adoption.