In particular, American Express has filed 7 new trademark applications to register the company’s name, logo, and slogans, including AMEX, SHOP SMALL, and MEMBERSHIP REWARDS, indicating the multinational corporation specialized in payment card services plans to expand into the metaverse and offer branded non-fungible tokens (NFTs).  Licensed metaverse trademark attorney Michael Kondoudis announced the news via Twitter on Tuesday, March 15, revealing that the applications were submitted to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on March 9, with plans to offer NFT backed multimedia, cryptocurrency services, virtual banking, and exchange services among others. Mr. Kondoudis stated in a press release:  The trademark attorney added: 

Metaverse trend continues

The fact that firms, businesses, and celebrities have been expanding their presence in the metaverse for some time now is noteworthy, and this is only the latest example of this rapidly rising trend. As an example, on February 15, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) filed a new trademark application to register the term “NYSE” for several crypto and financial products and services.  At the time, Kondoudis noted:  Finally, according to a recent analysis by Finbold, the number of NFT trademark applications in the United States climbed 421 times in 2021, a significant gain when compared to just three in 2020.