In a proposal under Senate Bill 39 by Wasilla Republican Sen. Mike Shower, incorporating blockchain technology in voting will increase voter confidence in the electoral system.  The bill proposes that voters should have an added security check-in verifying their identity through multi-factor authentication. According to Shower, blockchain implementation will address the issue of databases where it will help the Division of Election identify individuals who should be removed from the voting rolls. He notes that the technology will streamline the process since the state has not been effective.  Furthermore, the bill seeks to increase voter participation by allowing people to use their tribal IDs for voter identification. At the same time, the technology would help in fixing errors that would bar people from voting.  However, the bill’s first version was a center of controversy for ending automatic voter registration through the permanent fund dividend application. The new bill has eliminated the clause. 

Blockchain voting dominates U.S. political scene

Initially, Oracle’s (NYSE: ORCL) Chris Miller had shared with the Senate State Affairs Committee that blockchain technology in voting was implemented in countries like Russia. In the U.S., a county in Utah enables several people to vote via blockchain technology.  The debate on blockchain technology in voting has dominated the U.S. political discourse, with proponents stating it will streamline the process. Other parties, however, believe blockchain technology has vulnerabilities if not implemented correctly.