Many employees have switched to remote working due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Telecom operators, financial institutions, employees, and IT companies are highly at risk. The aim of these cyberattacks will be the theft of personal data and money.   

Expected Cyberthreats

Experts believe that there will be a surge in the number of fraudulent free services. Some of these services include online streaming subscriptions, fake video conferencing platforms, online training platforms, food delivery apps, and many more. There is also an increased risk of espionage with more targeted attacks focused on the employees in the financial sector. Experts also warn that there might be an increase in fraudulent activity targeting senior citizens. This group will most likely be targeted with fake offers of shopping services, phony coronavirus tests, counterfeit drugs against COVID-19, and much more. Cyberattacks may also arise from insider threats coming from employees whose wages will be lowered once they start working remotely. The other sector that might also experience a surge in fraudulent activity is the tourism industry, especially in the money transfer centers of airlines, hotels, and many other places.

8 Best Practices to Secure Remote Work

Stay safe.